Comment by ninininino
Comment by ninininino 2 months ago
No, you assign a risk score as well as a cost score to all the industrial inputs that you can use. In this case, there are readily available red food dyes (eg cochineal from industrially farmed insects) that have much lower risk scores (as they are from plant and animal sources) and not significantly different cost scores.
You also need to ask, what is the cost of not having this substance? In this case, the cost would be - you have food that isn't red. Is that a substantial problem for society?
To treat these as irrelevant and boil it down to "prove it is harmful or shut up" is needlessly reductive.
Have those other been proven safe? Is it possible they too cause cancer?
I'd like to point out that eating charred meat has a clear link with colon cancer, so we can't simply appeal to nature for safety.