Comment by SV_BubbleTime

Comment by SV_BubbleTime 2 months ago

9 replies

How about the idea that it serves absolutely zero purpose, and could cause cancer?

Maybe that is reason enough to remove it from food? “Some people here” love Europe so much, they banned it for that reason. But, during this election, conservatives pushed for the same so now it’s strange how “some people here” are “pro food dyes”.

patmcc 2 months ago

>>>How about the idea that it serves absolutely zero purpose, and could cause cancer?

I'm not going to bat for Red Dye specifically (I'd be perfectly happy for it to never be added to food), but I generally like a society that's default-allow more than default-deny. A lot of people will argue that certain things serve "zero purpose" because it's not something they personally care about. But presumably somebody wants their food to be red, or why would anyone be adding it?

  • SV_BubbleTime 2 months ago

    I agree - except - we have a purchased and lobbied FDA that is not serving the people.

    There is poison in our food.

    So until there isn’t poison in our food, I think we reform the agency and go a little harder on the MBA led organizations that got us here.

llm_nerd 2 months ago

"conservatives pushed for the same"

RFK Jr is basically the polar opposite of a conservative, even though he hitched his wagon to Trump after Harris refused to return his calls. Seeing the Trump base adopt RFK's positions is...super weird. Trump is extremely pro Corporation and anti-regulation. RFK is anti-corporation and super pro regulation, and believes that fast food should be banned and the government should provide every American with three organic meals a day, which isn't really a Republican platform. And there's a good chance RFK Jr has served his purpose to the MAGA group and he'll start facing opposition that leads to his elimination from the administration.

Indeed, it's normal on HN to see endless attacks on California (which had already banned both red dye #3 and 40, among others, to the extent that they can as a state) for banning potential carcinogens, making this a rather hilarious turn of events.

And FWIW, the FDA started the process for this months ago, and months earlier received a petition (from a Democrat, if it matters) to ban the dye.

  • hombre_fatal 2 months ago

    RFK Jr is MAGA where it counts: Anti-vaccine, vaccines cause autism, HPV vaccine doesn't work, Covid attacks whites/black but spares jews/chinese by design.

  • legitster 2 months ago

    > Trump is extremely pro Corporation and anti-regulation

    Trump is actually very, very anti-corporation. It's a very prominent part of his stump speeches and campaigning. He's accusing corporations of everything.

    His fortune was made from real-estate speculation and the Trump corporation is basically run like a family business. If you were try to attach a label - he is pro-aristocracy. He believes wealth tied to land and inheritance is "legitimate", and wealth tried to trade and commerce as illegitimate.

    • huhkerrf 2 months ago

      Trump is actually very, very whatever will get Trump elected or whatever was last whispered in his ear.

      Trying to find a coherent philosophy from Donald Trump is impossible.

    • [removed] 2 months ago
    • tacticus 2 months ago

      > family business

      In the organised crime meaning of the word family

  • rcpt 2 months ago

    Right. Michelle Obama pushed for a lot of things that RFK wants. Now that the Republicans suddenly want what the Democrats have always wanted of course they're going to pass those laws