Comment by blmayer
Glad to hear you migrated to plain HTML and CSS, I think this creates a healthier environment: it removes bloat and is more efficient.
My question is how do you update your feed, sitemap and other stuff?
I've been doing it by shell scripts, I'm not 100% satisfied, I also create gemini pages from HTML, which changes content a lot.
Another question: how do you handle comments to your posts?
Because my blog is a static site, so there is no processing on the server end, and I don't want third parties to handle this. What I've done is adding a handler to my mail server, so it writes the mail sent to articles to the right place. And the HTML uses an <object> to load them. I don't like it either, but works. Any suggestions for this things?
>My question is how do you update your feed, sitemap and other stuff?
haven't tried this but maybe you could do that all in PHP and run `php feed.php > feed.html` or something regularly . and now I just realized you said you've been doing it with shell scripts and that's pretty much the same thing, maybe you could use a cron job or something.
I know a lot of people don't like PHP but I believe it's still the best/simplest way to just "make my HTML run code please". and it's improved a lot in recent years as well. of course if you want to use another language you can.
>Another question: how do you handle comments to your posts?
you could use something like Disqus or one of the alternatives. there are self hosted ones if you really don't trust third parties but then you might as well run the web server on there (and run PHP normally).
also just wondering how are you using <object> for this?