Comment by K0balt

Comment by K0balt 2 months ago

2 replies

Yeah, by my ear it was pretty clearly not SJ’s voice-likeness, although there were some superficial similarities.

But some people could have mistook it due to some regional accent similarities, though it would be akin to interpretation of any light southern drawl with a similar timbre as being SJ.

mmahemoff 2 months ago

They also asked her for permission in advance, which was never going to help their case.

  • K0balt 2 months ago

    lol yeah. That made it look like anything vaguely similar would be an attempt to model SJ, and triggered due diligence by her legal team. Not filing at that point would be de facto precedent that SJ did not lay claim to her voice likeness.

    Sounds like SJ has a better legal team that OAI did.