spencerflem 2 months ago

if this is referring to Gaza, many Holocaust experts are willing to call what's happening there a genocide

  • whimsicalism 2 months ago

    i think i’m pretty clearly referring to Xinjiang.

    if the Rohingya genocide is a genocide, then I can see the case for Gaza (the UN definition of genocide is quite broad) - but still feel that there should be a word distinguishing the stuff that happened in the Holocaust or the Rwandan genocide from less systemic killings occurring in the background of conflict. A lot of the power of the word “genocide” comes from the implicit comparison to the Holocaust, but none of the events we are discussing really come all that close barring Rwanda.

  • strathmeyer 2 months ago

    Yeah when the Palestinians say they want to murder all the Jews that's what genocide is. When there are no Jewish people in Palestine because they killed them all, that's what genocide is. If people didn't hate Jews and support terrorism, Palestinians wouldn't be dying. When Arabs are allowed to vote, participate in government, and join the military, that's the opposite of what genocide is.

  • [removed] a month ago
NoGravitas 2 months ago

Yep. The Chinese state is guilty of a number of things in Xinjiang, but genocide is not one of them.

  • throwawaymaths 2 months ago

    fair. they are guilty of arresting specific ethnicity for the crime of gathering in groups, and targetting men and forbidding men to have children, and forcing women to take han husbands to dilute their ethnicity. but not genocide.