Comment by paxys

Comment by paxys 2 months ago

13 replies

If the holding power of TikTok is strong enough (which it just might be) then you might actually see teens start to switch to Android.

iforgot22 2 months ago

I wonder how many Android users would actually sideload it. Same happened with Fortnite for a few years, and idk how many people did that.

  • sudosysgen 2 months ago

    Fortnite never had even a hundredth of the smartphone screentime as Tiktok. I honestly think a lot (at least 5 million) Android users will sideload it once it comes to that.

    • iforgot22 2 months ago

      Yeah but what % of them. Cause if it's only 1%, and 99% are going to some other app...

  • herbst 2 months ago

    Or DJI. Side loading is so easy, we usually just call it "installing an app" there is no hacking or magic around that, works just like a .exe with some extra protections.

whimsicalism 2 months ago

you won’t

  • sudosysgen 2 months ago

    I don't think it would be as unlikely as you'd think. It's not impossible for a significant amount of people to get a cheap Android for these apps, after all iPhones are a result of iMessage.

    • ketzo 2 months ago

      “Large portions of US teens will get second phones for one specific social media app” is an absolutely wild thing to predict seriously

      • sudosysgen 2 months ago

        Most US teens probably already have a second smartphone-like device, and large portions of them have purchased them purely for one specific social media app.

        I'm not saying it's more likely that not, but I am saying I wouldn't be surprised. If you replace "one specific social media app" with "iMessage", it has already happened.

    • kube-system 2 months ago

      I think it's more likely that people would simply use the browser