Comment by MrBuddyCasino

Comment by MrBuddyCasino 2 months ago

5 replies

The fundamental issues is that devops guys don't have a budget with which to buy tools like Dagger (or Earthly), so the market is limited to companies that have tech-literate management - very small.

JohnMakin 2 months ago

It's somewhat this, a lot the fact that a huge, unbelievable chunk of "devops" guys are former sysadmins pigeonholed into devops because every organization thought that was a natural progression, so the odds of finding a devops engineer that is very good at writing go or javascript is kind of a unicorn, at least in my experience (I have to hire sometimes). They're usually fairly proficient with scripting languages, but sometimes not even that. Since terraform/HCL/YAML are more configuration languages with a lot less "logic" in them, it's more comfortable for a lot of people with that background, especially when they're already used to tools like ansible/helm/etc.

mdaniel 2 months ago
  • MrBuddyCasino 2 months ago

    Ha you got me there. Well in that case: cursed be the devops guys and their devilish inertia & groupthink.

  • phaedrix 2 months ago

    IIRC they went fully open source because they couldn't make it as a for profit company.

    • mdaniel 2 months ago

      Selling dev tools is ferociously hard, as partially evidenced by this thread talking about how changing anyone's development flow/tooling/process is also ferociously hard

      I would guess dev tooling usually also falls into the "nice to have," or as my former CEO used to say "vitamins vs painkillers"