Comment by yieldcrv

Comment by yieldcrv 2 months ago

4 replies

Okay, I have a lot of projects with a couple of email addresses attached to their domain name

In the US and European market, this was seen as a bare minimum level of professionalism and validation (other markets are more advanced on this front and have been on chat apps for the entire business for at least a decade)

regardless for email, I had been using Google workplaces for this

What’s a cheaper alternative? last time I tried something else I found I was vendor locked to google even when trying to accept calendar invites from people in other organizations that sent google calendar. That was 5 years ago though

some sectors like web3 let you do the whole project with just a username on discord/telegram/x but I do want to consider migrating my emails away from google workspace now. Its difficult to manage even changing the credit cards on file with so many projects like if one expires

prmoustache 2 months ago

Migadu is cheap and works well for email only.

If you need email + shared calendar/contact the email service from infomaniak should do the trick. If you need functionalities close to workspace with storage, office suite, videocall they have the ksuite service.

maxclark 2 months ago

Check out Fastmail

  • XorNot 2 months ago

    I run my personal email out of Fastmail now and haven't looked back. Plays nicely with Firefox and K-9 Mail for Mail, Calendars and Contacts.