Comment by tromp
My IOCCC entry [1] explains exactly what the 43-byte program is. It's a self-interpreter for BLC8, the byte based version of Binary Lambda Calculus.
The 521 byte interpreter on the other hand is written in x86 assembly, a language much less suitable for writing BLC8 interpreters than BLC8 itself.
Btw, with my latest lambda compiler, the BLC8 self interpreter is only 42 bytes:
λ 1 ((λ 1 1) (λ (λ λ λ 1 (λ λ λ 2 (λ λ λ (λ 7 (10 (λ 5 (2 (λ λ 3 (λ 1 2 3)))
(11 (λ 3 (λ 3 1 (2 1))))) 3) (4 (1 (λ 1 5) 3) (10 (λ 2 (λ 2 (1 6))) 6))) 8)
(λ 1 (λ 8 7 (λ 1 6 2)))) (λ 1 (4 3))) (1 1)) (λ λ 2 ((λ 1 1) (λ 1 1))))
thanks, this is helping me understand the whole article a bit better.