Comment by dgfitz

Comment by dgfitz 2 months ago

2 replies

Well the short answer is: I defined the workflow/process for our team, everyone bought in, and new people don't really have a choice but to follow along.

The longer answer is, earlier in my career I ended up spending a not-insignificant amount of time helping people debug things, and about 70% of the time the issue was their local build environment. Everyone did it differently and it was very messy.

I only made a few "rules" to follow. 1.) Your local folder structure must mirror exactly the structure in our central repo. 2.) Must use relative paths, which works when you follow rule 1. 3.) No ad-hoc "new shiny things" without team buy-in. If it can be used locally only and won't affect the team obviously I don't care.

johntash 2 months ago

> Your local folder structure must mirror exactly the structure in our central repo

Do you use a monorepo at work, or do you have like a repo for a 'local dev environment' or something like that?

catlover76 2 months ago

Does containerization get you most of the way there? I feel like containerization + one of the tools built on top of nix (e.g. devbox.json) should get teams close to 100% there, that's my goal.