Comment by garrickvanburen

Comment by garrickvanburen 2 months ago

2 replies

So? There was a time when all the phone-based activities were separate objects and devices. But today, conveniently they’re all in a single device. Aggregate screen time is a useless measure and discrete screen time only matters to help diagnose when something has done wrong. If the kid is wildly successful what doors screen time matter?

giarc 2 months ago

That's looking at it with rose coloured glasses. And please don't come back with "maybe they are watching educational content on tik tok" because we all know that's not true.

>22% of US teenagers spend 2-3 hours a day on TikTok [1]


  • garrickvanburen 2 months ago

    How much time is appropriate? Who decides? What _should_ they doing instead? Who decides? Where does the kids agency during their discretionary time end?