Comment by maxehmookau
Comment by maxehmookau 2 months ago
> your best options for guaranteeing that you avoid it are homeschooling
Accepting your premise that "public schooling is fucked" (I disagree) there's absolutely zero guarantee that homeschooling is any better for any particular child. It's a completely random chance whether your parent, or whichever potentially untrained person, is going to provide you with an education that sets you up for society, work and the wider world.
Public schools at least have defined curricula, governance structures, complaints procedures, _accountability_ in some form.
1 untrained parent teaching <4 kids is better than an expert with 25 kids to teach.
Public schools have terrible curricula, procedures, and accountability. Go look at any school in Detroit and see how effective schooling is. They have all the things you mention, and they are ABYSMAL. Truly a terrible option, every one of them. They are also VERY well funded.
Homeschooling doesnt have a guarantee of success. Public school does come with a guarantee of failure.