Comment by nicbou
The same thing happened with the Russian invasion of Ukraine. In Berlin, the entire effort to support refugees was coordinated on WhatsApp and Telegram, backed by Google Docs. It still did a marvelous job until the authorities could catch up and prepare resources. Even then the unofficial resources were far better.
I run an information website for a living. There is nothing I could have done that would have beat the speed and flexibility of that response. My own response was just to give those resources more visibility.
My takeaway was somewhat opposite to yours: it's marvelous that we can do so much, so fast, for free, with minimal computer skills. We should aim to make the independent web this easy.
Spreadsheet software and in this case specifically google docs are great tools for getting something off the ground fast; often it's good enough that no replacement needs to be written. I'm reminded of a contract some of my colleagues had at some point where a company's core business was all in a shared excel sheet, their job was to replace it with a proper application; iirc it took like 2-3 years to get it finished, at significant cost / investment. Of course, the excel sheet was no longer fit for purpose and not a good long term strategy to have.