paulryanrogers 2 months ago

This isn't the slam dunk you think it is. The article indicates that money isn't evenly distributed, which explains the conservatives goal with vouchers and charter / private schools.

My SO taught at all 3 kinds of the school in the US, in urban and suburban areas. The pay is bad everywhere, but worst at the non-union schools. Only teachers left have no better options or believe in the religion or cause of teaching, and even they tend to leave such schools the moment they have enough experience or better options. None of this is good for the kids at such schools.

The more affluent schools can afford to hire experts and keep them. I went to a rich(er) high school and had my choice among many specialty electives and advanced placement. My SO attended a highschool that was something between prison and daycare. My friend's private school was a religious indoctrination factory. Home schooled friends were often academical average to great, all socially awkward well into adulthood, and many were taught conspiracies or outright lies as long as it fit their parents "biblical worldview".

Public school was an escape from a cult-like community for me. I'm grateful my parents were too poor to force me into an alternative until I was old enough to refuse.

  • rayiner 2 months ago

    Incorrect, in most states poor districts receive slightly more funding than affluent ones:

    It sounds like you have a beef with how citizens socialize their children into the dominant religion of the society—which is literally considered a human right[1]—and less so with how schools are funded in the U.S.

    See Article 18.4 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights: (“The States Parties to the present Covenant undertake to have respect for the liberty of parents and, when applicable, legal guardians to ensure the religious and moral education of their children in conformity with their own convictions.”)

    American subgroups that socialize their children into community religious norms are among the most successful. For example, Mormons:

    Prohibitions on religious education in public schools—which don’t exist in many developed countries, such as Germany and Sweden—hurts the majority of people who would do better under that system.

    • paulryanrogers 2 months ago

      Urban teachers are not getting rich teaching poor kids. Having seen the classrooms first hand, the kids lives are like a low-grade war zone. Sometimes they even work themselves to pay for their charter school tuition, and keep the lights on at home. Siphoning public funds off to the pockets of PE owned schools is not going to improve outcomes.

      Mormons' affluence is in spite of their faith, not because of it. Utah also has more MLMs and scams than most others.

      Having lived in a cult-like religion, I'd rather be less wealthy yet mentally well than 'socialized' into magical thinking and all the various idiotic garbage I was taught. Public schools are often one of the only ways kids can escape abusive, exploitive, or otherwise unhealthy circumstances.

      • rayiner 2 months ago

        > Urban teachers are not getting rich teaching poor kids. Having seen the classrooms first hand, the kids lives are like a low-grade war zone. Sometimes they even work themselves to pay for their charter school tuition, and keep the lights on at home. Siphoning public funds off to the pockets of PE owned schools is not going to improve outcomes.

        Nobody is getting rich running schools. But everyone in the Baltimore public school district continues to draw salaries even though in some high schools many kids are reading at a kindergarten level.

        So let the PE folks take their shot, or at least provide ways for the small fraction of involved parents to get their kids out of failing schools.

        > Mormons' affluence is in spite of their faith, not because of it.

        Mormons were literally driven out of the rest of the country for their religious beliefs and settled land that has no resources and can barely support farms and agriculture. Yet they built a thriving civilization in the middle of nowhere. Utah is one of the most stunning success stories in the world, up there with Israel and Singapore.

        > Having lived in a cult-like religion, I'd rather be less wealthy yet mentally well than 'socialized' into magical thinking and all the various idiotic garbage I was taught. Public schools are often one of the only ways kids can escape abusive, exploitive, or otherwise unhealthy circumstances.

        Mormons are tied with Jews for the happiest people in the country. Being socialized into religion, with uniform norms and expectations, is for most people mentally healthy. They’re also literally healthier. They live significantly longer than non-LDS white people: