Comment by redwood

Comment by redwood 2 months ago

5 replies

What's your take on Aurora DSQL?

My take is anything single cloud provider proprietary and tabular in 2025 is going to over time feel too limited. Having a json column doesn't cut it. But I'm a believer in document databases

sgarland 2 months ago

Relational databases (sans JSON columns) are limited in the same way that seatbelts limit your ability to be transfenestrated during a crash.

Having a rigid and well-designed schema is a mechanism to keep you or your team from doing stupid things.

  • tempworkac 2 months ago

    nosql does not imply no schema

    • sgarland 2 months ago

      I think most would infer that, but in any case, it most definitely implies a non-rigid schema.

      Cassandra et al. IMO only fall under the NoSQL banner by retconning the meaning to be “Not Only SQL.” Columnar DBs are a fine idea for certain uses.

      Document DBs and/or chucking everything into a JSON column, though… those can die in a fire.

      • tempworkac 2 months ago

        the only thing nosql means is that there are no relations. mongodb 8 and newer for example support schemas and validations, cascading checks, etc. dynamodb, more relevantly does also support a schema, and in fact you can't even create a table without defining one.

qaq 2 months ago

Honestly haven't really had to deal with use case where json column does not cut it, but I would imaging there might be some.