Comment by iamnotagenius
Comment by iamnotagenius 4 days ago
istjohn is not right. Energy produced by datacenters is simply wasted. even if you will use heatpumps there is still only so much the can produce; using datacenters waste energy would lessen the the power neede for her pumps.
Your point is valid, but that's not really what we were talking about.
You said that using data centre heat is an alternative to reversible computing. This is not the case. Neglecting efficiency improvements and instead moving the data centre to a place where the heat can be used is worse than making it more efficient and using heat pumps with the saved energy at a much higher efficiency. It is even worse if the heat is dumped into the air, as istjohn said.
Also using the heat to heat homes would be even better. The two concepts aren't mutually exclusive.