Comment by WhereIsTheTruth

Comment by WhereIsTheTruth 2 months ago

7 replies

"invade" = western propaganda

The proper word is "reunite", as it was agreed with the US

It sure gonna hurt the US Military industrial complex, no war = no money

"1982 U.S.-PRC Joint Communiqué/Six Assurances

As they negotiated establishment of diplomatic relations, the U.S. and PRC governments agreed to set aside the contentious issue of U.S. arms sales to Taiwan. They took up that issue in the 1982 August 17 Communiqué, in which the PRC states “a fundamental policy of striving for peaceful reunification” with Taiwan, and the U.S. government states it “understands and appreciates” that policy. The U.S. government states in the 1982 communiqué that with those statements “in mind,” “it does not seek to carry out a long-term policy of arms sales to Taiwan,” and “intends gradually to reduce its sale of arms to Taiwan, leading, over a period of time, to a final resolution.” The U.S. government also declares “no intention” of “pursuing a policy of ‘two Chinas,’” meaning the PRC and the ROC, “or ‘one China, one Taiwan.’”"

thworp 2 months ago

> "invade" = western propaganda

> The proper word is "reunite", as it was agreed with the US

So the US and the PRC had some milquetoast diplomatic correspondence which did not include Taiwan. If the PRC now occupies Taiwan against the will of its people and population, presumably under fire from the Taiwanese army, it' just a "reunification"?

  • WhereIsTheTruth 2 months ago

    Taiwanese are pro-reunification, Tsai wich is pro-US and pro-indepandance had quit due to her party loosing local elections

    • thworp 2 months ago

      An election result is not a single-issue poll and the current government supports the status quo anyway (just being fundamentally more open to dialogue). A clear majority of the opulation supports de-facto independence (the current status) or even formal independence [0].


      • WhereIsTheTruth 2 months ago

        "It's only a democracy if the results suits our interests"

        You are not being objective, a poll is not a vote

        In a vote, the registered population gets to vote using official ID

        In a poll, only 'god' knows who the respondents are

    • sct202 2 months ago

      Very misleading to link to the legislative election results, when the KMT party only won 33% of the Presidential vote. And on top of that the KMT's actions when in power are to preserve the status quo (effectively independent, make money, avoid war), even if their long term vision is peaceful unification with a democratic China.