Comment by shafyy

Comment by shafyy 4 days ago

8 replies

> Lots of bad decisions but the world also takes for granted the open seas, etc. that come at a great cost to Americans in reduced social services like health insurance and higher education.

Thanks for the laugh

Dalewyn 4 days ago

The reason the US defence budget is so sky-fucking-high is because we effectively pay for everyone's military, though.

I doubt the other budget line items would see an increase with defence cuts, but we certainly don't need the entire defence budget for just our own sake. America doesn't need 11 nuclear aircraft carriers or nearly 2500 F-35s, among other excesses.

Also: Attitudes like yours sincerely make me want to see America First pushed more literally to the point of leaving those who don't appreciate us to fend for themselves. Japan, EU, and so on.

Obama already declared we aren't the world police anymore, for better or worse.

  • 3688346844 4 days ago

    Any talk that assumes the US defense budget is massive is silly. It's approx 12% of the federal budget and 3.4% of the nation's GDP. It seems large because the US is rich and it seems large compare to the EU because most of the EU, besides Poland, decided it was a lot cheaper to have a token force and leave the real work to the Americans.

    • _heimdall 4 days ago

      Size of the budget is all in the eye of the beholder though. I don't think its unreasonable for someone to see 12% of the total budget going to defense as massive, especially when the country isn't actively at war.

    • Dalewyn 4 days ago

      Using the left-hand list here as a reference:

      It takes all nine of the top 10 countries besides America (#1) to finally match and exceed the American defence budget. Of those nine, only two (Germany and France) are EU members.

      In a word, the American defence budget is fucking massive and we certainly don't need anywhere even remotely most of it for ourselves.

      • xienze 4 days ago

        You’re missing the parent’s point. It’s large in absolute terms but not as a percentage of GDP (3.5%). And for countries spending less, once again the point is that they’d rather spend less and lean on the US when things really hit the fan (see: European countries not chipping in the requisite 2% of GDP for NATO funding; roughly half of that “OMG so massive” US military spending goes towards NATO).

        Edit: yes my bad, I was meaning this comment for another poster in the thread.

  • shafyy 4 days ago

    > The reason the US defence budget is so sky-fucking-high is because we effectively pay for everyone's military, though

    Yes, but don't act like that is some kind of selfless act. In the end, it benefits the US more if they do that and have military bases and influence all over the place, than not doing that. If that also protects their allies, even better, since then it can be used to better justify the international meddling (as you're doing now).