Comment by sigmoid10

Comment by sigmoid10 2 months ago

8 replies

It can in fact. You should read "You Have the Right to Remain Innocent" by James Duane - the guy who went viral on youtube for explaining why you should never talk to the police and later tried very hard to delete all uploads of this video. Because in the real world that strategy is more likely to get you convicted after all. Especially since the Supreme Court massively weakened the Fifth Amendement in 2013.

echoangle 2 months ago

> the guy who went viral on youtube for explaining why you should never talk to the police and later tried very hard to delete all uploads of this video

Do you have a source for that?

  • sigmoid10 2 months ago

    He mentions it in this talk for example:

    It also seems like he succeeded, because the original and all reuploads except for some ultra low-quality copies are gone from youtube.

    • echoangle 2 months ago

      There's no mention in this of him trying to delete uploads (or I missed it, do you have a timestamp?).

      And also, the original lecture isn't a reupload but found on the channel of his own university (both at the time of the first and the second lecture):

      • sigmoid10 2 months ago

        He mentions it several times throughout the talk. It's been a while since I've seen it, so I don't remember the times. But the whole talk basically tries to publicly revert his earlier view from the old presentation. The low quality dupe you found was uploaded years after the original video.

        • lcnPylGDnU4H9OF 2 months ago

          > But the whole talk basically tries to publicly revert his earlier view from the old presentation.

          Damn, you need to watch it again. He only updates the advice to say that one needs to be explicit about their intention to remain silent and await an attorney.

    • potato3732842 2 months ago

      The bit about where money from the book would go was hilarious and also a great example of stereotypical attorney humor.

ruthmarx 2 months ago

> and later tried very hard to delete all uploads of this video.

I didn't know that, that's pretty interesting.

> Because in the real world that strategy is more likely to get you convicted after all.

I don't think that's true. That's true for not cooperating, but you should do so with a lawyer. You shouldn't' talk to police until you get a lawyer. That's all.

  • lcnPylGDnU4H9OF 2 months ago

    If you watch the talk they linked to you can see that the advice has been updated to be "you must explicitly tell the officers you want a lawyer" and it has nothing to do with retracting his previous advice. The original "Don't Talk to the Police" upload seems to still be there (uploaded 12 years ago). Do wait for your attorney to be present but also explicitly tell the officers that you will refrain from any more discussion until then.