Comment by madaxe_again

Comment by madaxe_again 2 months ago

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Yeah, I no longer bother with insurance but that which is legally mandated. I honestly wish I didn’t have to insure my vehicles either, as the policies are just hopeless.

For instance, our home flooded to the roofline and our car was washed away to god knows where five years back. Home insurance covers floods - but not floods caused by rivers. Car insurance covers floods - but only if parked on public land, and again excludes rivers.

Two years ago we had a wildfire. Luckily, the houses did not burn, but all of our infrastructure - tanks, solar panels, electrical wiring, etc. - and our truck, did.

Again, our home insurer informed us that they could only provide coverage in the event of total loss. Damage or partial loss, not our problem. The truck insurer informed us that the policy only covers fires which originate within the vehicle.

It’s a grift. Every probable event is excluded in one way or another, and only highly unlikely sets of circumstances remain, like your vehicle spontaneously combusting on a rainy day, or your stone home burning down to the foundations.