Comment by scapecast

Comment by scapecast 2 months ago

2 replies

Love this soundbite. I did not know this and will totally use it to sound smart at dinner parties.

On a somewhat related note, the reason why Peugeot cars have a "0" in their model numbers (e.g. 208, 308, 408, etc.) goes back to the days before electric ignition, and when you still needed a crank to start the engine. The model number was in the middle of the grill, and the crank would go into the "0".

kolp 2 months ago

Apparently the tradition continues. On our Peugeot 407, the button to open the boot (trunk) is in the "0" on the "407" badge.

  • scapecast 2 months ago

    There you go! I wonder what the very first engineer or "product designer" at Peugeot who came up with the idea would think today.