Comment by athrowaway3z

Comment by athrowaway3z 2 months ago

1 reply

How roles are perceived, becomes how people perceive themselves, becomes how people act out those roles.

Or more to the point: Its easier to be what people expect you to be.

In my experience the US is especially susceptible to this 'roleplaying', probably because all (entertrainment) media comes from the same overarching culture.

8n4vidtmkvmk 2 months ago

What, we expect cashiers to be slow and bad so that's how they act? That's ridiculous. I expect them to scan my groceries at a reasonable pace, put the eggs and bread on top, and read me the total when they're done. I expect their managers to give them heck if they're clearing lines at half the speed as the next cashier over. That's about it.

It's not a shameful or embarrassing job. My sister-in-law made a career out of it. She's happy there, so I'm happy for her. She gets good benefits and decent pay. Just do your job and everyone's happy.