Comment by jdenning

Comment by jdenning 2 months ago

4 replies

I just took a look at your project - you really need to simplify the README. I read the whole thing but it’s still not clear to me what you app actually does.

I have no idea what a “Social Operating System” is supposed to be. Seems like it’s a web/mobile app framework, but it’s completely unclear why I would want to use it. You need an “elevator pitch”.

There are hundreds of frameworks, if you want developers to use yours, maybe show some example code? No one is going to spend a bunch of effort trying to build with your framework if they can’t see an advantage.

Not trying to be a hater, I care and want you to succeed

Edit: just read some of the links in the readme - so it also has something to do with crypto and micropayments? Why would I want to use your “QBUX”? Would a developer only be able to get paid in your crypto? If so, why should they trust that you won’t rugpull? If you want people to care about your project, you need to think about what they care about (pro tip: nobody cares about making you rich via support contracts or shitcoin schemes. Sorry.)

EGreg 2 months ago

I am not sure what you read that said any of the things you asserted in the "Edit" section. None of that is true. The token doesn't even exist yet. There is no "rugpull" possible in any event.

But I think this illustrates perfectly what I said originally. Context matters. The context on HN is "I see a word that triggers me (token / web3) somewhere and I immediately assume all these things I haven't seen or read, and forget about anything you actually did."

That's why it is very important how you present things. The original Facebook was just a bunch of profiles in php. And yet people used it like mad and investors camped out Zuck's dorm room. It's not so much about what you build but how you present it.

  • theamk 2 months ago

    You are focusing on technical details too much, I don't think any of the initial Facebook users cared if it was php or not, they cared about what they saw on the screen.

    While presentation definitely matters, the product itself has to be actually interesting (especially on HN). For example, current HN's top post is about Anthropic - and I don't even know what their stack looks like!

    On the other side, if the product's is Yet Another PHP Framework then your target audience is (1) PHP developers who are (2) unsatisfied with existing frameworks they know and (3) willing to spend hours to try the unknown thing. This is a pretty narrow category.

  • jdenning 2 months ago

    I'm not triggered by crypto/web3 - I think there are a lot of good use-cases. I'm trying to explain to you that the README and website introducing your product/framework/platform (whichever it is, I'm still not sure):

    1) Doesn't explain to the target market (developers) why they should use your product

    2) Throws up a bunch of red flags to developers who actually bother to read it all, namely that your business model seems to be either/both of selling devleoper support (is that why there aren't any good developer docs?), or locking developers into a token with no published tokenomics or even a contract address (as you noted, the token doesn't exist!). Anyone with any experience in crypto knows that there is risk adopting an ERC20 token, you *need* to address the risk points (eg the potential for rugpull, available liquidity) if you want anyone to take you seriously.

    My point is, this is why you are getting no traction from developers. People aren't ignoring your completely free awesome code because of apathy, it's because you're not doing a good job showing them any benefits to using your product. Your marketing needs work.

    Also, you should really consider if you actually have a product that fits your market. It sucks to spend a lot of time developing a product that the market doesn't want, but you might be in that position. If so, no amount of marketing will help you.

    Ironically, I went to the effort to parse through all your docs because I wanted to help you understand why your Show HN failed, but now I kind of feel like I wasted my time, making it harder for me to care in the same way for the next person in a similar position.

    Anyhow, take the critique or not -- I wish you luck either way!