ndriscoll 2 months ago

The assumption is that upper class kids are more likely to have the types of behaviors and attitudes that you'd like your kids to adopt (e.g. getting a C or even a B is embarrassing/shameful, AP classes are table stakes, drug use bad, video games/tv limited, more likely to have intact households, expected to be polite/treat others respectfully) while lower class kids are more likely to have the types of behaviors and attitudes you'd like your kids to avoid (e.g. no point in applying yourself, parents have no idea what you're up to or how you're doing in school anyway, drug use normal or cool, kids raised by tv/computer/phone, family tree is more of a chain with random links sticking out, family yells at each other so loud the neighbors hear it). It's an attempt to manipulate the Overton window that your kid will encounter interacting with peers.

  • lotsofpulp 2 months ago

    A related adage to present this succinctly, "you are the company you keep".

  • forgetfreeman 2 months ago

    100% of the individuals that I've known who ended up either shot dead in the street or caught serious charges were from upper middle class, outright wealthy neighborhoods, or were keeping company with rich kids. Maybe my sample is badly skewed but around these parts all the wealthy are known for is buying their lunatic children out of trouble.

  • nicolas_t 2 months ago

    In my experience, the positive attributes you list tend to be more associated with middle class than upper classes. At a certain amount of wealth, you can see very problematic behaviour.

gnkyfrg 2 months ago

This is the kind of contemptuous skepticism of facts from, and lack of trust for, folks trying to help you understand something that permeates neglected communities and interferes with the educational process.

That attitude is prevalent in poor schools, but rare in rich schools and is properly dealt with by better educators that prefer wealthy schools with good salaries.

That sort of antagonism toward authority is incredibly disruptive in a community of People who want to achieve something.

Parents want to get their kids away from it for a reason. It's unhealthy. You're an example of the point. I don't mean any offense by it, just that it's easy to sniff out that you haven't experienced both sides of the coin so you reveal stubborn ignorance.

It inhibits learning and communicating. It's repulsive.

  • forgetfreeman 2 months ago

    > just that it's easy to sniff out that you haven't experienced both sides of the coin so you reveal stubborn ignorance.

    You're welcome to that narrative if you find it comforting. It's wildly incorrect however. Half of my family self-identify as semi-literate rednecks. The other half are members of the most prestigious country club in the state they reside in and the least successful of them was a V level executive at a multinational bank. I've cherry-picked the best of both worlds and have done just fine for myself without having to resort to any of the soulless pantomime you're advocating here, which does more to maintain property values in exclusive neighborhoods and feed a certain class of individual's sense of self-worth than anything objective. Water finds it's level I suppose.