Comment by Suppafly

Comment by Suppafly 4 days ago

2 replies

>It's like the author has never heard of balance bikes, but they're very common, and have been for over a decade.

Every time a post like this comes up a bunch people haven't heard of them. I'm sure it helps, especially with really little kids, but honestly kids learn to ride bikes pretty easy once they decide they want to really learn regardless of pedals or not.

IshKebab 3 days ago

I think it must be regional. They're universal in the UK now so there's no way you could have a kid and not know about them. Nobody had them when I was young though. Presumably they just haven't quite infiltrated America yet.

alistairSH 3 days ago

The use case is very little kids. They can use a balance bike about the same time they can toddle about the house (but before they can walk longer distances without support or tumbles).