Comment by EGreg

Comment by EGreg 2 months ago

4 replies

I think it's on topic as it shows exactly what OP was talking about (Instead they get negative feedback) is not confined to workplaces, but is prevalent right here, too. "No one cares" is almost correct. Some people will care, but most will downvote you and criticize you.

Oh by the way ... I tried doing a "Show HN" with it. It just got buried after getting 1 like. If you post something that people take a while to engage with, then they don't come back to HN to upvote it fast enough. So it gets eclipsed by stuff that's memey and fun. Result: no one cares.

theamk 2 months ago

Most people don't care about about most things, that's normal. But people should be caring about their jobs, and that's OP's (and mine) point.

Thousands of rock bands released new songs today. I don't care, and that's OK. But if a rock magazine editor does not care about them, it would be bad.

Latest Microsoft C# has new lock type. I absolutely don't care, and that's OK. But if someone working with high-performance C# does not care, they are doing a bad job.

At my work, I've just released a new version of internal tool I've worked hard on. Majority of the company do not care at all, and that's fine. But those users who use daily? I expect them to read the announcement and take notice.

My local park has a burned-out streetlight. Most people don't care. But I'd expect my town's public works department to care, or they are doing a bad job.

I've submitted a very interesting link to HN. Most people did not care (as evidenced by a very small number of upvotes). But I'd expect ... nah, I don't actually expect anyone to care. There is not a single person on this earth whose job is to care about things I post on HN.

dijksterhuis 2 months ago

you did a Show HN and it sounds like it didn’t work out. that sucks to hear pal.

it might be worth taking some time to reflect on what your part in that was and what you might do differently next time.

  • EGreg 2 months ago

    My part was posting the link

    Sometimes the same link can go viral and other times it doesnt

    But the real issue is when people follow the link and get enagaged and dont come back to HN to upvote it fast enough before it scrolls off the page

spencerflem 2 months ago

I feel like there's "nobody cares about what I do" and "nobody cares about how they affect other people" which are related but subtly different and imo. GP was more about the first and TFA more the second.