Comment by autoexec

Comment by autoexec 4 days ago

16 replies

Literal children are incapable of forfeiting their rights by being "violent and disruptive", and it would be insane if they could because they can't possibly begin to understand what they'd be giving up. Clearly that right is sometimes taken from them anyway, but that's neither the fault or a failure of the child.

Often kids who get their right to education taken from them are failed by their parents and/or by the schools, but the blame cannot be placed on the child for that. Every child, excepting those with significant mental illness or intellectual limitation, can and should be successfully educated. Any educational system that is incapable of handling a child's tantrum or helping a child in crisis is a failed system.

UltraSane 4 days ago

What about the other children's right to education this being impinged by the disruptive students?

  • frereubu 4 days ago

    It isn't an either / or. Expelled children have to go somewhere. So you provide education / rehabilitation facilities where they hopefully manage to get their behaviour under control and can be brought back into mainstream education or stay in those institutions where they can at least get a bit of an education rather than just being left to roam the streets. Whether there's the appetite to fund that kind of institution properly is another matter.

    • Clubber 4 days ago

      This is what they did in my school district when I was growing up. You had 3 tiers. First tier is regular school. If you get expelled, you go to tier 2 which is a school for people who got expelled. If you get expelled from there, you go to tier 3 school, which is where all the really bad kids go. This worked pretty well, keeping in mind all the students' needs in mind.

      They did away with that since I was young and now they just let the disruptive kids run rampant.

      Keep in mind, you only have one chance really to get an education. If your learning is impeded by uncontrollable children, you now have a greater risk of life failure because you weren't able to learn the fundamentals, because a class of 30 was always being disrupted by one or two people. Say you didn't learn pre-Algebra well because of disruption; now you're behind when it comes to the higher level math for the rest of your school tenure and ultimately, life. These disruptions could have major long term consequences for other kids trying to learn.

      Finally, teachers' average turnaround is 4 years last time I checked. That means there are very few veteran teachers available to show new teachers the ropes and how to manage a classroom full of teenage kids. Not that it matters, the new teachers will look for other careers within 4 years on average. The cycle continues.

      • munificent 4 days ago

        > If you get expelled, you go to tier 2 which is a school for people who got expelled.

        So if you're a kid who's already struggling, you get sent to be surrounded by other kids who are already struggling.

        > you only have one chance really to get an education.

        That's true for the bad kids too.

        I 100% get where you're coming from. My kids come home from school and tell stories about disruptive stuff other kids do and how much it gets in the way of the school functioning effectively.

        At the same time... what are we supposed to do with those kids? The kids that have behavioral problems are much more likely to be that way because they have a bad home life. So if you expel them, they're missing out on education and they're spending more time in a bad environment. They're not going to get any better after that. Then what? Now they're a year behind academically and have the shame of being expelled. Their behavior is likely even worse because they spent a year not being socialized in a bad environment. So they're even worse next year, and they get expelled again.

        Eventually, they stop going to school entirely. But at least here in the US, the number of jobs available to people without any kind of school degree gets smaller every year. So now they can't find work.

        What do desperate people do? Commit crimes. So now we have a system that effectively just produces uneducated mentally unhealthy criminals.

cyberax 4 days ago

> Literal children are incapable of forfeiting their rights by being "violent and disruptive"

They can. And do. We have 12-year-old "children" literally robbing stores around here.

If this happens, they should exercise their right to education from inside a locked institution.

  • gunian 4 days ago

    sometimes i think im sheltered and i am but then i see stuff like this and feel good