Comment by ty6853

Comment by ty6853 2 months ago

4 replies

I know an extended family of third world impoverished immigrants who became middle class by basically all going to nursing school. It is almost a joke that all Filipinos become nurses, it's almost fool proof way to have at least a car, shitty apartment and decent food to eat. It's worth looking into for anyone who is stuck, none of it is particularly difficult to learn although it is hard work.

autoexec 2 months ago

I'm going to guess that only a small number of impoverished immigrants manage to legally move to a developed country at all, but I wouldn't doubt that those who do could see their situation improve.

There's a lot of need for nurses which has made the job attractive, but it's worth noting that wages have been going down (, they aren't especially higher than the money other workers make, and the actual working conditions for nurses have gotten worse. Telehealth also threatens to reduce both their wages and the number of (US) nurses we'll need in the future.

If people just want work, elder care seems like it'd be a safe bet for a while, but those wages and working conditions can be even worse.

gunian 2 months ago

some days i get sad and then i log into HN to read about their take on eugenics and history and that cheers me up

hilux 2 months ago

Nursing can also pay extremely well, at least in California, and for those willing to travel.