Comment by MathMonkeyMan
Comment by MathMonkeyMan 2 months ago
I think that Native American history, the Civil War, and Geology are all reasonable subjects to cover in school.
Comment by MathMonkeyMan 2 months ago
I think that Native American history, the Civil War, and Geology are all reasonable subjects to cover in school.
I don't think OP disagrees, or their mother. I think it's more the time spent on such things. They might be worth a semester or two, but the world would be a much better place if we learnt a little about a lot, because to functionally understand one thing means to understand the links between things. I person would have a much deeper understanding of the American Civil war if they understood the British Empire at the time their competition with France to dominate the world stage, and how the US fits within that. Instead, the US seems to teach about the Civil War as if it were an independent conflict when not much happened before or after.