Comment by bjourne
So word vectors solve the problem that two words may never appear in the same context, yet can be strongly correlated. "Python" may never be found close to "Ruby", yet "scripting" is likely to be found in both their contexts so the embedding algorithm will ensure that they are close in some vector space. Except it rarely works well because of the curse of dimensionality.
Perhaps one could represent word embeddings as vertices, rather than vectors? Suppose you find "Python" and "scripting" in the same context. You draw a weighted edge between them. If you find the same words again you reduce the weight of the edge. Then to compute the similarity between two words, just compute the weighted shortest path between their vertices. You could extend it to pair-wise sentence similarity using Steiner trees. Of course it would be much slower than cosine similarity, but probably also much more useful.
You might be interested in HippoRAG [1] which takes a graph-based approach similar to what you’re suggesting here.