Comment by moomoo11

Comment by moomoo11 2 months ago

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This truly works.

And honestly we live in a competitive, entropic world. Why some people so sensitive? Maybe because it’s true?

So yes. Some people are better than others, not due to some intrinsic features but because they cultivate some self defining attributes that set them apart from the rest.

I know there are definitely trashy, destructive, and self-imposed low class people. I don’t associate with them. I am not bothered nor do I lose sleep thinking about them. There are others who have everything but decide to be losers and awful people. Again, not my problem and not my associations. Maybe we work together. But we aren’t friends beyond whatever means to an end.

They chose whatever they did today. I did what I chose today and I’ll be going to sleep happy af and refreshed for tomorrow.

Another day to crush and a life to enjoy.

And I yearn to be even better tomorrow.

No drugs. No junk food. Discipline. Experiences over screen addiction. Learning and growing. Cherishing life and its fine moments. Not every day is perfect, but at least each day is constructive.