Comment by typewithrhythm

Comment by typewithrhythm 2 months ago

2 replies

Average people aim to provide a good a start for their kids as possible; average aims to avoid public school if possible. You now only have a set of people defined by behaviour or ability too poor for private, parents who don't care, or ones with no options...

Basically it's opting out of being around the dregs

cratermoon 2 months ago

Am I correct in reading this as you saying poor people and the ones with no options are "dregs"?

  • aurareturn 2 months ago

    I'm not sure what your point is. All parents want to send their kids to the best schools. They buy expensive real estate for this reason. There is a very clear, unspoken reason why parents want to avoid poor areas for schools.

    SF has a lottery system. This means all kids in the city are mixed. Unfortunately, my experience was absolutely horrible for learning.