Comment by Tade0

Comment by Tade0 2 months ago

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Mine are too small for any of this yet but I gave it some thought and here's what I have:

-Social media etc. are a means of avoiding one's emotions. Your job as a parent is to help your children process those so that they don't crave such distractions as much.

-Education is key. This is a huge topic, but one of the first things I taught my preschooler is that people do all kinds of things only because they want money. That is equally true in meatspace, as e.g. this enclosed playground we occasionally go to is dotted with shelves with toys that are, of course, not free, so if you want one you have to pay. I lost count how many things I explained with a short "they do it only because it brings them more money".

-It so happens that the worst brainrot is at the same time data-intensive, so data allowance is something I'm planning on introducing once the time comes. I sort of had this in my youth when my data plan was a whopping 1GB per month, so I had to be deliberate in my choice of entertainment.

As a final, optimistic note, it appears that generation alfa picked up on the fact that we, the parents, either try to distract them with screens or look at screens instead of paying attention to them. They don't like that one bit and my prediction is that their attitude towards this will be very much like my generation's towards our parents having the TV on at all times.