Comment by alex_young

Comment by alex_young 2 months ago

1 reply

My son is 4.

He's never used a screen in any significant way. No movies / TV / cellphones / iPads.

My spouse and I read to him a lot. A chapter or two a night from one of the Oz books (there are dozens of them, we're on the 8th one) or something similar.

Results so far? He has a very wide vocabulary, loves learning about the world around him and has almost zero interest in screens.

I hope that by the time he reaches social media age (whatever that is) that the fad has passed and people move on to something less toxic. Even if not, we'll make sure he's in lots of social groups and camps where the focus is doing things rather than spending time on a device.

udit99 a month ago

My son is 4 and we read books to him that are a lot simpler than the Oz book(s). I'm impressed that your kid can handle them.