Comment by variaga

Comment by variaga 4 days ago

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Interesting. A project I worked on (audio recognition for a voice-command system) we ended up going the other way and explicitly adding an encoding of "nothingness" (actually 2, one for "silence" and another for "white noise") and special casing them ("if either 'silence' or 'noise' is in the top 3 matches, ignore the input entirely").

This was to avoid the problem where, when we only had vectors for "valid" sounds and there was an input that didn't match anything in the training set (a foreign language, garbage truck backing up, a dog barking, ...) the model would still return some word as the closest match (there's always a vector that has the highest similarity) and frequently do so with high confidence i.e. even though the actual input didn't actually match anything in the training set, it would be "enough" more like one known vector than any of the others that it would pass most threshold tests, leading to a lot of false positives.