Comment by mirkodrummer

Comment by mirkodrummer 4 days ago

12 replies

Nice job! If only HTML had a serious templating system(no the template tag isn’t enough) that could be used without JavaScript, we won’t need any 3rd party system for assembling static sites. For example a mechanism for including partials with the <link> tag and refer them inside a <template> or directly into current html

ZYbCRq22HbJ2y7 4 days ago

Also, other than to satisfy a purist desire, why do you need this?

You can pre-render HTML quickly using a variety of template systems, and it would outperform what you are suggesting every time (from a client's perspective). I mean, think about the potential CSS resolution complexity, FOUC, etc.

recursive 4 days ago

In the 90s, we used Server Side Includes (SSI) for this. Probably still works.

Gualdrapo 4 days ago

(Chiming in because other people replying to you kept on the "iframe-like" part of the argument)

Or serializing `<template>`s without needing JS. Like in lists (`<ol>`, `<ul>`, `<dl>`...). All in all `<template>`s are a nice thing to have, and I do use them a lot (like in my own portfolio), but it feels really lacking without JS.