Comment by dekhn

Comment by dekhn 4 days ago

3 replies

I used ffmpeg for empty scene detection- I have a camera pointed at the flight path for SFO, and stripped out all the frames that didn't have motion in them. You end up with a continuous movie of planes passing through, with none of the boring bits.

hnuser123456 4 days ago

Then can you merge all the clips starting when motion starts and see hundreds of planes fly across at once?

  • dekhn 4 days ago

    Interesting. Yes, I assume that's possible although I'm not sure how you handle the background- I guess you find an empty frame, and subtract that from every image with a plane.

    One of the advantages of working with image data is that movies are really just 3d data and as long as all the movies you work with are the same size, if you have enough ram, or use dask, you could basically do this in a couple lines of numpy.

    • hnuser123456 4 days ago

      You could do an add operation if the background is dark enough, or yeah, take a local sample of the background to subtract from each clip, and choose a specific background...