Comment by nytesky

Comment by nytesky 2 months ago

2 replies

Partly it’s having a constant discussion about society, the world, and news in general. We talk about how advertisers are trying to manipulate you, social media can be addicting and is also trying to manipulate you, etc. Not an angry way, a discussion, like how magnets work or how rain forms. Just the facts ma’am.

As for permissions, my oldest avoided all social media except iMessage (because for her age that is essentially the phone line), and only got Insta at 16 — but I had the password not her, so she could give out her @handle to people to connect, but she would only go only into the fray once a week with us around (vs the zombie doom scroll scenario for instance). We will probably allow Snapchat soon since it’s becoming the new “basic” connection — I’ve not used it, so does it have a feed and likes?

My younger kids all have iPads and the 13 year old had an iPhone — they use them for music and audio books so end up in their rooms even at night. I don’t love that, but I have on tight screentime so I hope that is helping a bit.

I wish there was a good device for ONLY music and audio books, like a souped up iPod. I locked down enough I think her iPad is limited to that, but it’s not obvious. We tried Alexa devices but navigating audio books is impossible and even song selection was tedious. Kindles could almost do it but we are Apple Music family and don’t think there’s and app, and the audio book library app is finicky, and I find kindles pretty kludgy in general.

jacobgkau 2 months ago

> We will probably allow Snapchat soon since it’s becoming the new “basic” connection — I’ve not used it, so does it have a feed and likes?

Just an FYI, from the couple of times I've tried using it and been shown it by friends, Snapchat is essentially just as much of a feed-based social media as Instagram or anything else these days. It's not just a "basic connection" with DM'ing. Instagram also has a DM's page, and I know people who use the DM feature heavily, but that's obviously not the extent of Instagram.

(Part of the problem with drawing that line is that even apps that started out as private messaging only, such as Telegram or LINE, often eventually add public channels and stories where it turns into more of a feed.)

Nebasuke 2 months ago

There are good devices for only music / audiobooks, but they're often aimed at younger kids. For example Yoto players ( or Toniebox (haven't used this one). Basically screenless, except for the number of the playlist.

You can use an app/website to create and upload playlist and couple them to your custom cards (so you don't have to spend money on buying loads of cards).