Comment by tartoran
Comment by tartoran 4 days ago
I've taught 5 kids to ride bikes this year. The method is quite simple and takes only a few minutes and some light jogging behind them. Take a scarf or a rope (or anything really) around a child's chest and behind the armpits pulling both ends behind the bike. Have the kid pedal the bike while providing balance for the bike to stay upright, this is the jogging part. The kid will inadvertently attempt to fall on a side so hold tight to provide balance and tell them to pedal faster. As soon as they realize that while pedaling and turning does not cause them to fall it clicks for them. Provide a little balance for the first turns. I usually do this for a few minutes and then let go of the scarf/straps/rope without telling the kid as they'll continue riding with no help. Before long they're riding around happily. And then a bit later there's a milestone, the first fall.
The pedalless bikes aren't as effective. One of the kids I sued this technique with used to have a pedalless bike and was fine with it for a year but could not handle a bicycle at all. This is how I remember learning to bike from my own dad when I was probably around 5-6.
> The pedalless bikes aren't as effective.
I taught my two kids to ride a pedal bike when they were three, after enjoying their balance bike for like six months before that. The switch from balance bike to pedaling was very simple, and because they had enjoyed their balance bike for so long, they were very skilled at staying upright.
I'm not saying your method was bad. I'm saying that there's more than one way to skin a cat.