Comment by MrLeap
Comment by MrLeap 4 days ago
I feel like I am your hardware destroying cousin. For me it's mice, not keyboards.
I've had the same keyboard for like a decade, but I go through mice every 3-6 months. I've tried logitech / corsair / no-name / razor. 90% of the time I replace a mouse because of phantom double clicks or the mouse3 button just ceasing to work.
More rarely, the mouse will reconnect cycle over and over, or the scroll wheel will break.
I don't THINK I abuse them, but my body count indicates maybe I'm too hard on them and don't know it.
Maybe we need hardware that'll give us data on how mean we are to them so we can gain perspective. :p
It may be due to the hardware most constructors use and how they use it.
If you're ready for 1h of info on some switch and how they're misused in mice enjoy this in-depth video:
I think the gaming mouse market is ripe for a ruggerized mouse with only optional software which does not require some account creation if you don't want to. If you could make it cheap enough you could call it the 2CV.