Comment by numpad0

Comment by numpad0 2 months ago

3 replies

  1. Japan's urbanization stopped long ago,   
  2. and it's not taking in immigrants fast enough,   
  3. so the urban areas have stopped growing.
it's just my gut feeling but feels like each of these three statement can be individually debunked...
dcrazy 2 months ago

I thought the Tokyo megalopolis was still growing due to internal migration, at the cost of depleting literally everywhere else in the country.

johnnyanmac 2 months ago

2 is pretty infamous unless something big happened recently (a lot of big things in JP happened recently, so I could have legitmately missed something).

1 is 50/50. Urbanization is growing because the small town life is's wrong at face value, but there is a cost to this in the overall economy, since the country overall isn't growing.

  • numpad0 2 months ago

    I mean, I think it's close to "not even wrong" territory. Crazy talks.