Comment by Ekaros

Comment by Ekaros 5 days ago

5 replies

Or private equity owned schools. Imagine how bad product they could effectively deliver. The would not even teach humans walking with dinosaurs... As they would do bare minimum of teaching anything at all...

pjscott 4 days ago

Why would parents send their children to those schools? Never mind who owns them; I would expect the kind of hypothetical schools you’re describing to go bankrupt quickly. Private equity is not in the business of losing money in predictable ways.

  • linuxftw 4 days ago

    Same reason parents send their kids to public schools: because the price is right. Since we're importing legions of indentured servants, wages aren't rising, and parents have to make tough decisions in order to pay for basic necessities.

    A thriving education system is an indicator of a prosperous society, not a cause.

SV_BubbleTime 4 days ago

> As they would do bare minimum of teaching anything at all...

As compared to what again? Remind me how good government has been doing.

  • poulsbohemian 4 days ago

    Schools are a state and local matter. So just because you might be frustrated with the government in your area ain't my effing problem. To chastise all public schools is a false narrative.

    • SV_BubbleTime 4 days ago

      For one, you mean local government.

      Two, then you wouldn’t be opposed to eliminating the dept of education then, right? I hope Trump follows through on his promise you seem to agree with.