Comment by ikiris

Comment by ikiris 2 months ago

16 replies

“Devices or accounts they should not have”

Just because you think your kids should be limited to the Bible or no phones or no social media or no d&d or whatever arbitrary limits / moral panic you impose, does not extend those limits to other kids in any moral fashion. Those kids have full rights to have whatever they have and you are indeed the bad guy for your arbitrary limits if they are not common or inhibiting socially.

ericmcer 2 months ago

What there is 100% a precedent for prohibiting certain activities from minors because their brains are undeveloped.

In the future we will view a child spending hours a day on Tiktok how we currently view a kid smoking cigarettes. It is creating an entire generation of anxious, ADHD addled kids who struggle with school and focused work of any kind.

  • ikiris 2 months ago

    [citation needed] for evidence that somehow TikTok is at all responsible for causing adhd

    • ekianjo 2 months ago

      It may not cause ADHD but it is certainly not doing anything good to their brains

    • snovymgodym 2 months ago

      Infinite feeds designed to learn the user's preferences and then show them endless content are bad for your attention span.

      Doesn't have to be TikTok, Instagram, Facebook, etc. are all the same thing.

    • kridsdale1 2 months ago

      Bruh we have a decade of Research on this. Go type some words in to Google Scholar.

      • ikiris 2 months ago

        The closest thing I can find is in the floods cause rain sense, so please post the links

        To put this in perspective, people said the same moral panic about tv and that has also been rigorously proven false yet disagreed with by laymen.

      • aczerepinski 2 months ago

        ADHD is a real neurological condition that people are born with; not something learned via an app. Post links to research please.

randunel 2 months ago

No, those kids can't have whatever they have if they're under 13, 14 or 18, depending on what it is that they have.

  • iugtmkbdfil834 2 months ago

    They can.. if one of the following is true:

    1. Their parents are doing exceptionally bad job 2. Their parents are doing exceptionally good job

    Sadly, there is no way to tell, because not all kids are created equal. I know my parents had to basically remove our PC from our home ( how many parents have that option today? ) to put me and my siblings in line.

    Unfortunately, this only adds to the problem, because bad parents tend to think they are great and vice-versa.

stephenhuey 2 months ago

Do you have children? We are not bad parents just because we prohibit our children from doing something that is a "common" practice for many other kids in our circles. As for inhibiting socially, do you realize that multiple major publications have just been putting out articles in the past month about adults isolating more than ever? If anything, social media is a contributing factor to that social decline. I'm grateful my kids are young, and were not born a decade earlier because many kids I know that were born around that time have suffered with smartphone access. These are not arbitrary standards--it is a widely understood problem.