Comment by NoMoreNicksLeft

Comment by NoMoreNicksLeft 2 months ago

15 replies

>I hate how we got here, but watching my nephews go through this stuff made me realize you can’t cut the kids off completely.

Mine are turning out fine. I don't want them to be like those other children, and I've kept them away from those children. Doesn't seem to have been a problem.

>Ideally, you would live in a community where all parents have agreed on the social media limits,

This is a matter of who you choose to socialize/fraternize with, not one of geography. But if you opt for public school, then you have no real choice in the matter.

AstralStorm 2 months ago

Congratulations, you're raising future disgruntled outcast class of people who are not integrated with the society.

The next step is some canny asshole will take advantage of these people by selling them on their superiority or offering community, and radicalize them.

It's happened many times.

  • NoMoreNicksLeft 2 months ago

    >ongratulations, you're raising future disgruntled outcast class of people who are not integrated with the society.

    This society is dying, nearly dead. Anyone who is integrated with it will die by extension. Only lunatics would want to be integrated with it. This society can't even be bothered to make more humans so that it can continue into the future... it wants to be dead.

    My children aren't outcast, they have friends. Just not ones that would bully them because they didn't see the latest softcore porn on whatever the most popular social media happens to be today.

    >The next step is some canny asshole will take advantage of these people by selling them on their superiority or offering community, and radicalize them.

    Uh huh. What if someone taught them that it was normal to possess firearms, or to be skilled at using them? Those crazy radicals. What if they were taught that the most fulfilling thing they could do in their life is to make a family of their own, and raise their children well? What if their teachers were so radical that they taught arithmetic and trig and calculus instead of helping them decide they were trans?

    Everyone in this thread knows I'm right, even if they can't afford to agree openly. That's what this thread is... we know the society that our parents and ourselves have created is rotten and pathological, or we wouldn't be talking about how to insulate our children from it.

    • tokioyoyo 2 months ago

      Society is really fine! I live among millions of people every day, and people are genuinely kind and nice on average. It's up to you how you want to perceive the world, but I wouldn't want my neighbours to ever think people around them are lunatics and etc.

      I understand you're coming from a very American-specific point of view, which is very hard for me to comprehend. Growing up, I absolutely never had to worry (and now as well) about any of those topics. Even my nephews in public schools (US) are doing pretty decent maths stuff. I do think some of the things you've mentioned are mostly imaginary problems, but I can be wrong.

      I'm not special. You're not special either. Nobody's really special. Yet we find ways to sit down, have a drink, go for a drive, or have sex from time to time. That being said, I have quite a few friends who had very restricted childhoods, and would never want my children to feel the same resentment as they do during our hang outs.

      • NoMoreNicksLeft 2 months ago

        >Society is really fine!

        Any healthy, long-term viable society has to prioritize one task above all others... making the replacement people that will be society once the current people die. Your society (if you choose to claim it) doesn't do this. Sub-replacement fertility. It's dying because of this. If you think that's fine, go for it.

        >I live among millions of people every day

        Sure. And each generation is about half the size of the previous. It will look fine, even crowded for awhile yet.

        >I understand you're coming from a very American-specific point of view,

        This is global. China has sub-replacement fertility. Korea and Japan have sub-replacement fertility. Europe has it, South America has it, India may have finally crept below replacement, but if it hasn't yet it will next year or the year after. This is everywhere. There's not a hidden corner of the world where it's not happening.

      • jacobgkau 2 months ago

        > Yet we find ways to sit down, have a drink, go for a drive, or have sex from time to time.

        US born & raised, here. No we don't. I'm 26, have never had a drink, and have never had sex in this country. (ETA: By societal standards, I'm considered "doing well.") You do not understand the severity of the problem.

  • iforgot22 2 months ago

    ... because they don't have social media? That's a stretch.

tokioyoyo 2 months ago

> Mine are turning out fine. I don't want them to be like those other children, and I've kept them away from those children. Doesn't seem to have been a problem.

To each their own. I personally grew up with the idea of "try to be around all different types of people as I will encounter people from different walks of life, just don't be an idiot". I think, it made me a better person and I pride myself in my ability of getting along with most people. One day, I would want the same for my kids, and hope at that point we would resolve the social media issues.