Comment by NoMoreNicksLeft
Comment by NoMoreNicksLeft 2 months ago
>I hate how we got here, but watching my nephews go through this stuff made me realize you can’t cut the kids off completely.
Mine are turning out fine. I don't want them to be like those other children, and I've kept them away from those children. Doesn't seem to have been a problem.
>Ideally, you would live in a community where all parents have agreed on the social media limits,
This is a matter of who you choose to socialize/fraternize with, not one of geography. But if you opt for public school, then you have no real choice in the matter.
Congratulations, you're raising future disgruntled outcast class of people who are not integrated with the society.
The next step is some canny asshole will take advantage of these people by selling them on their superiority or offering community, and radicalize them.
It's happened many times.