Comment by cortesoft

Comment by cortesoft 2 months ago

5 replies

Sure, but DankStartup failed and doesn’t exist anymore. If I am just a lowly employee, I can’t force the failed startup owners to properly shutdown, and now my payroll information is available to hackers.

What is my remedy?

patmcc 2 months ago

Probably sue the failed startup owners for negligence?

If DankStartup left all your HR files lying around in their office and the guy who bought it five years later found them, well, DankStartup should have shredded them. It'd sure be nice if the cleaners shredded them for you, but I wouldn't count on it (nor make them liable).

  • dragonwriter 2 months ago

    > Probably sue the failed startup owners for negligence

    The owners generally aren't liable (assuming or corp or LLC), and if the company would have been liable, that liability probably died with the firm.

DrillShopper 2 months ago

In a rational world the remedy would be to sue Google for exposing your payroll information.

  • dragonwriter 2 months ago

    Google is neither the party holding the payroll information nor the party that chose to make it available on terms that are insecure against loss of control of the domain, why would it be rational for them to be liable?