Comment by whatever1

Comment by whatever1 2 months ago

3 replies

Setting aside the moral aspect which is highly subjective and seems to have a price tag (for example tech CEOs quit any sort of morals for a good paycheck), the productivity question is a measurable one.

Aka does advertising as a whole increase total consumption or is it a zero sum game (aka send bigger slice of the same pie to a competitor)

From what I know advertising does increase total demand aka more things/services need to be produced and sold on aggregate.

bee_rider 2 months ago

Some of the demand induced by ads is useful; people becoming aware of stuff they didn’t know exists, and finding that it provides a useful service for them.

But most ads are trying to convince you to buy their brand’s version of a product that you already know of, or (even worse!) a new version of an old product. Any demand induced there is just wastefulness.

If Amazon can figure out that I’m interested in headphones, I already know more actual information about headphones than their ads will give me.

layer8 2 months ago

> for example tech CEOs quit any sort of morals for a good paycheck

An alternative explanation is that prospective tech CEOs who are willing to overlook morals are scarcer and thus mandate higher salaries. ;)