Comment by hnthrowaway0315
Comment by hnthrowaway0315 2 months ago
Maybe that's how US is going to have enough STEM talents -- just like WWI and WWII, take as many talents as possible when the other parts of the world are in shit.
Comment by hnthrowaway0315 2 months ago
Maybe that's how US is going to have enough STEM talents -- just like WWI and WWII, take as many talents as possible when the other parts of the world are in shit.
We just need to make sure that we never fight directly with another regional power, e.g. China or Russia. IMO, neither of them wants a fight with the US too, because you don't want to push a super power to the corner, EVEN if you think you are good enough to win.
In the mean time, the situation in EU and Asia is going to deteriorate and North America can absorb more talents as it sees fit. The last two times it was mostly EU but this time Asia might be the new talent pool we can draw from.
China invading Taiwan seems a ton more likely than China lobbing missiles into Arizona.
It seems likely enough if the situation escalates. The conflict could be anything from a naval skirmish where neither side attacks the other's mainland to a total war scenario. It will likely start as naval-only and become gradually more involved if no side backs down.
However, it's safe to assume cyber attacks will hit Arizona. It's not unreasonable to assume crazy people will attack critical infrastructure, and we'll have to deal with the social fallout from that.
The scenario that we’re going to be able to fight a war with another first world power, where we will attack their infrastructure but ours will be left untouched, seems unlikely.