IshKebab 4 days ago

Probably not very helpful telling him that it should work!

pzmarzly 4 days ago

eduroam is not your everyday WPA{2,3}-PSK, it's WPA2-EAP. There are official shell scripts to provision certificates, but they only seem to work on major distros, and for some reason the eduroam website made different scripts for every university. Also, for most people this is their first (and last) experience with 802.1X, especially setting it up themselves.

In my experience few years ago, it was a pain to set it up on everything except macOS and iOS (which come with eduroam certificates preinstalled in their trust stores).

  • gf000 3 days ago

    But then it would suck equally as much on any other Linux distro, NixOS has no relevance here.

    (I have also suffered from tying to connect to eduroam on Linux laptops).

    • pzmarzly 3 days ago

      I assume OP tried to set it up in NixOS config file, instead of using some GUI (such as GNOME's nm-connection-editor).

  • arccy 3 days ago

    eduroam is less one network standard implemented by universities, more like, individual university networks that are set up similarly enough that they have a chance of talking to each other's auth servers and maybe working.