Comment by vel0city

Comment by vel0city 2 months ago

5 replies

Hearing accounts like this where apparently kids bring game consoles to school as a regular thing further makes me support schools having technology lockers.

andyferris 2 months ago

Does the US really not do that yet? That's crazy. My children have school laptops for work and need to lock their phones up upon arrival until departure. You couldn't bring in a Switch, period. Sometimes they look at YouTube videos or play web games etc at lunch time on the laptop, but AFAICT they've been discouraging that more and more.

wink 2 months ago

I'll let you in on a secret. If I had owned a GameBoy and not only a Super Nintendo I would have also brought it in in the 90s.

  • vel0city 2 months ago

    I'll let you in on a secret. I did own a GameBoy while in elementary school. I did bring it to school a few times against my parent's wishes. When teachers saw me playing with it, it was confiscated and held at the front office only to be released at the end of the day. After a few times of that happening the confiscation also resulted in a parental phone call.

    The same went with cell phones. I had a cell phone in high school. If it was being used during a class or even chirped a single sound it would be confiscated to be released at the end of the day at the front office. They were not to be used during school time.

  • hn_throwaway_99 2 months ago

    I think trying to equate the situation in the 90s with what's going on is a mistake because it glosses over the huge differences and increased harm in today's world.

    I also had a Gameboy in the 90s. I played with it quite a bit, but nowhere near the average amount of time spent on screens by kids today. And I don't think there is any school in the US in the 90s where you'd see every kid glued to a digital device at lunch.

    I think it's like saying "hey, I smoked weed in the 60s" and comparing that to someone freebasing cocaine today - or heck, even smoking weed today, as today's weed has about 10-100 times the amount of THC as most 60s weed.