Comment by rcpt

Comment by rcpt 2 months ago

7 replies

With roundabouts drivers only look to the left and don't come to a complete stop. If you're on foot trying to cross from the other direction good luck.

jacoblambda 2 months ago

Yep. Hence the appeal of turning the intersection into a roundabout and pulling the stoplights 3-5 cars from the roundabout and only stopping traffic when pedestrians are present (i.e. puffin and pelican crossing style). It gives cars enough time to turn and then halt with a bright red stop light to catch their attention.

  • rcpt 2 months ago

    Roundabout + pedestrian stoplight is probably fine. I don't think I've ever seen one and I live not too far from where the article is written.

    Seems like it's still worse for pedestrians as they have to wait for the beg button.

andrepd 2 months ago

Crosswalks before the entry to the roundabout, where drivers need to stop anyway; bonus points for a gentle speed hump. Am I missing something?

  • rcpt 2 months ago

    What kind of roundabout has a "stop anyway"?

    • jacoblambda 2 months ago

      Normally they are for pedestrian crossings. The stop for the incoming traffic will be near where the vehicles yield prior to entering the roundabout but the stop for outgoing traffic is several cars away to allow cars to continue moving in the roundabout.

      And because they are pedestrian crossings, they only go red when someone is walking across them and for a few seconds before and after. Which means in most cases they are green 90-95% of the time and only go red for less than a minute at a time.

    • gs17 2 months ago

      Some do have stop signs before you enter, but they should always have at least an implicit yield. Vehicles entering should be prepared to stop in case there's not room to enter the roundabout yet. The real issue with their suggestion is that only being able to cross "before the entry" wouldn't get you anywhere, you have to also cross where cars exit it!